Here is the list of reviews posted by members over the last 30 days.
These reviews have been validated and certified by our team.
Find on Fgirl more than 54,000 online reviews posted by community members. These reviews have been validated and certified by our moderation team.
In order to avoid abuse, only positive reviews are posted online. Indeed, in the past, girls wrote bad reviews to each other in order to denigrate competition. Given the large number of such reviews, our team could not distinguish between real (male) and fake comments.
However, please be aware that our priority is to constantly improve the quality of Fgirl ads. That is why we have set up a system for negative reviews: Although they are not displayed to the public, they are taken into account by our team.
Indeed, a "warning" system has been put in place for girls who receive too many negative reviews. After a certain number of reports, the announcement of these girls can be blocked until compliance is achieved in order to ensure that visitors only have quality announcements on Fgirl.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Si vous n'aimez pas, cela ne veut pas dire que ce n'est pas celui de la photo, ce sont deux choses différentes.
Coucou chéri, merci beaucoup pour les belles mots d’amour ❤️ à très bientôt et gros bisous 💋💋💋